Do You Need Relationship Help?

If you have problems communicating with the important people in your life and are searching the web for relationship help near me. You may have an issue with a spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, child, or parent. This person is driving you crazy, and you need some outside help to get on track. Are you sick of walking on eggshells around the people who should be in your inner circle of trust but don’t see the communication issues at hand? Do you feel stuck in old relationship patterns that don’t work anymore but are so hard to break? If so, relationship counseling or professional life coaching might help.

“Promoting A Positive Relationship Culture Within Our Communities”

As Seen On

Meet The Dynamic Duo

Your Online Relationship Counseling Experts

Eric & Elaine are a husband and wife coaching team specializing in personal and professional relationships. Twenty-eight years of marriage and six children later, through experience, observation, and research, we are driven to share the wealth of proven principles to enrich the lives of our fellow men. Eric and Elaine have over 20 years of relationship counseling and coaching experience, helping individuals, couples, and businesses build and support healthy, happy relationships that cultivate positive cultures within our communities. 

  • RRemoving Obstacles

We all have places in our life where we are blocked. Working together, we will identify those blocks and find ways for you to overcome them.

  • RBe Your Best Self

Life is full of opportunities, and it is our job to help you figure out which opportunities to take advantage of in order to live the love and life you want.

  • RLive Your Dreams

When you choose to live a dream, you need a plan to make it come true. Once you have a plan, a coach will help you stick to it and get around any obstacles.

Online Relationship Counseling Services

If you need relationship help, your partner isn’t the only person responsible for communication problems in your relationship or marriage. However, it might feel like they are most of the problem because they anger you so much when you want to have a peaceful conversation. Learn effective communication strategies that reduce conflict and frustration between you and those around you who matter most – including partners, family members, children, friends, co-workers. Understanding these powerful communication tips can drastically improve your relationships. By using emotionally intelligent communication in your day-to-day conversations, learn how to de-escalate tense situations and become the type of communicator that others seek out rather than shy away from.

Individual Counseling

Counseling Services Tailored To Fit You
  • =Personal Life Coaching
  • =Relationship Coaching

Couples Counseling

Extreme Makeover: Relationship Edition
  • =Premartial Counseling
  • =Relationship Counseling

Corporate Development

The Fuel For Business Relationships
  • =Leadership Coaching
  • =Team Building Workshops

You deserve to have a happy healthy relationship!

You deserve to have a happy healthy relationship! If we go deeper into what we really want and what we really need, what do we find? Our purpose of life, or what I like to call it" why. "It's what's on the inside that counts. If you don't know what your "why" is, then there might be something missing in your life, and you feel it. You know what "why" is what we all want and what we all need. But what does this mean for you?


  • You deserve to be happy.
  • You want to create more fulfilling relationships and attract individuals who add value to your life through deep connections.
  • You want to improve and strengthen your current relationship or find your worthy-person to share the rest of your life with
  • You want to discover the secret sauce to a lifetime love.
  • You want to discover life's purpose through valued relationships.
  • You want to enhance your health and wellness.
  • As a professional, you want to increase your productivity at home and work.
  • You want to gain deeper insight into your professional strengths and accelerate your results in your profession.
  • You desire mental and spiritual connection to be aligned with your professional success

        Relationship Coaching Reviews

          Join the Black Love Matters Campaign

          With e2, we live by the principle that there is no success in separation. As a nation of people, we need tools and strategies, but more importantly, we need relationships! And trust us, conflict and relationship issues do not discriminate. At some point, every relationship faces conflict, regardless of race, nationality, economic background, or religion. But let’s face it, Black couples are at a considerable disadvantage due to a myriad of reasons and stressors that must not remain unaddressed. Statistics prove a persistent problem and a growing concern for the Black family, especially our Black youth.

          Therefore, we have launched, the Black Love Matters campaign.

          Latest Videos

          Out of the box Millennial Family of 7 RVing

          Check out this amazing story of one millennial black couple and their family of seven, who are RVing their way around the country! Follow along as they unbox their RV and explore the great outdoors with their kids.


          I was not expecting to find my spouse at a wedding, but that’s what happened. When I saw her at the reception, it was not love at first sight.


          Start Living Today!

          Schedule A Consultation

          Get the relationship help you been looking for and start your journey through couples counseling. Send us a message right now, and we will get you started on the path to living a life that you love. Together, we can work out a plan to get you on your way!