Personal Life Coaching

$899.99 - 1 Hour Sessions For 6 Weeks 60 minutes

This extensive life coaching course is scheduled for 1 hour a week for 6 weeks. 

Personal Life Coaching Near Me

We Deliver Life-Changing Personal Life Coaching & Accelerated Professional Development

During your personal life coaching classes, you’ll work with e2 in focused, one-on-one sessions to become truly powerful in your relationships with loved ones and your important business relationships. Our focused, private personal life coaching will bolster you when your willpower is flagging and immediately get you back on track.

What To Expect With Your Online Or In-person Personal Life Coaching Course

6-week Intensive relationship coaching, professional development, and financial mentorship.
We’re ready to deliver the tools and strategies you need to unlock your life’s full potential.

Connect with us and let’s collaborate to help you learn more about topics including:

  • Achieving personal success
  • Goal setting
  • Overcoming obstacles standing in your way to success
  • Living a healthier, more productive lifestyle
  • Reaching your professional goals
  • Parenting
  • Communication Skills Building
  • Conflict resolution
  • Building and maintaining positive relationships and more

First Time Working With e2?

Book a consultation and get started on your journey to being your best self today!

Franklin Ndeffo
{This couple here… I can’t start now, because I will be typing all day! Please watch their videos. They are Peacy and my mentors and are great marriage coaches.{
Franklin N.
Kimberly Harvison
{Awesome, fun, and very informative. We use a lot that we learned and add it to our marriage!{
Kimberly H.
mystery person
{Beautiful people, they are extremely kind and helpful. Love them very much.{
Pamela A.
mystery person
{Their lives are transparent. Nothing to hide. They love the Lord and truly use the gift that He has given them to be a blessing to the body of Christ as well to the community restoring broken families.{
Vickey N.

Begin Your Personal Journey Today with Our Personal Life Coaching & Professional Development Services

We’re celebrating our personal journey through over two decades of a successful marriage and we’re delighted to have an opportunity to share our secrets through training focused on the professional development of men & women.

Online Personal Life Coaching Near You

Personal life coaching can be a life-changing experience. Whether you are looking for ways to improve communication and deepen your connection with others or just want some general feedback on how relationships impact our professional lives, we offer an affordable solution that will help get the ball rolling in positive new directions!

Reach Out Today to Sign Up For An Online personal life coaching Session

There’s no time like the present to energize your life and push yourself to achieve your full potential. We’d love to hear from you, learn more about you and work with you to develop a personalized program and roadmap to help you achieve everything you desire. Let’s talk about what you want to achieve through our personal life coaching for individuals.

Get Personal Life Coaching Tailored To Fit Your Needs And Goals.

Eric & Elaine, go the extra mile to help you live a life of abundance and confidence. They have the training, experience, and knowledge to help you become the best version of yourself.
e2 offers a wide range of in-person and online personal life coaching for men and women of all ages. We use evidence-based and research-based techniques to coach you through lengthier, more intensive coaching sessions. Before coaching begins, e2 administers an extensive assessment to gain a present snapshot of your life. You will receive practical and actionable steps after a private six to eight weeks feedback session from your personal coach with specialized training in life coaching. Stop struggling through life and, instead, let us help you overcome obstacles standing in your path to the success you deserve. If you are looking to focus exclusively on your personal and business relationships take a look at our personal relationship coaching course. During your relationship coaching classes, you’ll work with e2 in focused, one-on-one sessions to become truly powerful in your relationships with loved ones and your important business relationships.

Sign Up Today for Online Personal Life Coaching for Men & Women

Reach out to chat with us today to learn more about why our professional development coaching program is so popular! We’d love to hear from you, learn more about you and work with you to craft a roadmap to help you achieve everything you want and deserve in this life. Our coaching sessions are fun, flexible, and work within the boundaries of your busy schedule. e2 will personalize your life coaching experience to fit your needs and goals so you gain the most from working with Eric and Elaine. Learn more by scheduling a consultation with Eric & Elaine right now.

Personal Life Coaching FAQ

Is E-Squared (e2) for me?

e2 may be right for you if you’re looking to improve the quality of your life and relationships. Whenever there is anything that interferes with your peace or prevents you from achieving your goals, e2 may be able to help.
e2 is not the right solution for you if any of the following is true:

  • You are a minor or you are under the care of a legal guardian
  • You are in an urgent crisis or an emergency situation
  • You were required to undergo therapy either by a court order or by any other authority
  • You do not have a device that can connect to the internet or you do not have a reliable Internet connection

How can I set up an appointment?

To get an appointment as a first-time client, please schedule a consultation and select the service you’re interested in. We offer a $25 consultation, which goes toward your first session and will be deducted from that amount. The consultation will help you decide if e2 is the best fit for you and when would be a good day and time to schedule your first session. From there, we would gather necessary information from you (first and last name, email, phone number, other vital info) from our online Intake Form. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

What is the difference between a Personal Life Coach and a Relationship Coach?

A Life Coach focuses on specific, measurable goals in a person’s life and lasts more than a few sessions, while a relationship coach is based on empathy and focuses on personal and professional relationships.

What does a personal life coach do?

Coaching sessions with a life coach are an opportunity to explore your life, identify what’s holding you back and how we can work together on achieving goals. Coaches use their experience as motivation for personal growth while encouraging participants towards successful change.
A great way of jump-starting the process is by seeking out personal coaching which allows people who may be feeling stuck or uncontrolled in everyday situations to have someone else guide them through this exploration process – discovering things about themselves they never knew before!

How much does a personal life coach cost?

Working with e2 is more affordable than some personal coaches and starts at $899. You can start your consultation today for only $25. e2 will put your consultation cost towards your personal life coach course when you decide to move forward.