Online Premarital Counseling

$175.00 CVN 60 minutes

Learn how to be married

Learn More About Your Partner And Build A Strong Foundation With Premarital Counseling

So, you’re getting married! Let’s strengthen your foundation in preparation for your dream marriage. Our online premarital counseling course will help you clearly understand what each partner hopes to achieve from the marriage. While working with e2 you’ll gain powerful tools to pursue a long, loving, and healthy marriage.

  • Identify core values
  • Improve communication skills
  • Develop conflict resolution techniques

First Time Working With e2?

Book a consultation and get started on your journey to being your best self today!

Franklin Ndeffo
{This couple here… I can’t start now, because I will be typing all day! Please watch their videos. They are Peacy and my mentors and are great marriage coaches.{
Franklin N.
Kimberly Harvison
{Awesome, fun, and very informative. We use a lot that we learned and add it to our marriage!{
Kimberly H.
mystery person
{Beautiful people, they are extremely kind and helpful. Love them very much.{
Pamela A.
mystery person
{Their lives are transparent. Nothing to hide. They love the Lord and truly use the gift that He has given them to be a blessing to the body of Christ as well to the community restoring broken families.{
Vickey N.

Why Our Online Premarital Counseling Works?

Eric & Elaine will help you with results-driven premarital counseling to:

  • Argue in the right way and create healthy discourse.
  • Formulate crucially important financial goals and strategies.
  • Have a strategy for difficult times where points of view may differ sharply.
  • Think about what’s really involved in creating a healthy marriage over time.

We’ve been married for decades and have raised a large family and that’s taught us extremely valuable lessons we’re happy to pass on to you as certified counselors. Let’s make that road map!

We Help You Thrive as a Couple

Our specialty is helping couples build strength and resilience in their relationship. That way they won’t need more serious (and sometimes ineffective) counseling when it’s too late. Here are some ways we help black couples (and all couples for that matter) succeed and prosper with love, harmony, and mutually agreed-upon goals:
Remove Obstacles – Let’s face it… everyone has blocks they have to deal with. Facing those blockages and reducing them over time is what separates winners from the rest of the crowd.
Be the Best You Can Be!– In order for couples to thrive in a dynamic way, each person must be proud of their own achievements, first.
Live (and Love) Your Dreams – Every dream needs a well-defined plan (and accountability) in order to come to fruition. We’ll help you take control of assessing and completing the steps necessary to achieve your dreams as a couple.

Contact Eric & Elaine for Premarital Coaching Services

The time to take charge of the rest of your life together is now! We have convenient online appointments for premarital counseling for couples that help you steer confidently toward both of your goals. We look forward to meeting you both. With our decades of professional counseling expertise, we’ll help you build a powerful and rewarding life together.

Online Premarital Counseling FAQ

Is E-Squared (e2) for me?

e2 may be right for you if you’re looking to improve the quality of your life and relationships. Whenever there is anything that interferes with your peace or prevents you from achieving your goals, e2 may be able to help.
e2 is not the right solution for you if any of the following is true:

  • You are a minor or you are under the care of a legal guardian
  • You are in an urgent crisis or an emergency situation
  • You were required to undergo therapy either by a court order or by any other authority
  • You do not have a device that can connect to the internet or you do not have a reliable Internet connection

Is online premarital coaching effective?

Premarital coaching can help ensure that couples have a stable and healthy marriage. By identifying weaknesses, coaching can help prevent future problems in a relationship. Coaching also provides couples with a more realistic view of their marriage, which can help create a mutual agreement regarding significant life decisions. Online coaching gives more access to help from the comfort of your own home.

What are the benefits of online premarital coaching?

From clarity regarding core values to improved communication, there are many benefits to online premarital coaching. Premarital coaching also allows couples anywhere in the world to work with a coach, helping them prepare for their lives together. Online coaching reduces travel time to appointments, eliminates the fear of running into someone you know, and allows couples more flexibility when scheduling sessions.

How much does online premarital coaching cost?

The cost of premarital coaching varies depending on the service. e2 offers a free 15-minute consultation to determine if the services are a good fit for you. Couples can expect to spend a minimum of $30 and a maximum of $135 for a premarital coaching session.

How can I set up an appointment?

To get an appointment as a first-time client, please schedule a consultation and select the service you’re interested in. We offer a $25 consultation, which goes toward your first session and will be deducted from that amount. The consultation will help you decide if e2 is the best fit for you and when would be a good day and time to schedule your first session. From there, we would gather necessary information from you (first and last name, email, phone number, other vital info) from our online Intake Form. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

What are the benefits of online premarital coaching?

From clarity regarding core values to improved communication, there are many benefits to online premarital coaching. Premarital coaching also allows couples anywhere in the world to work with a coach, helping them prepare for their lives together. Online coaching reduces travel time to appointments, eliminates the fear of running into someone you know, and allows couples more flexibility when scheduling sessions.

What are the benefits of premarital counseling?

Don’t let your relationship fall apart before you’ve even said “I do.” Premarital counseling from e2 will help you identify your core values and improve your communication skills. You’ll be able to build a foundation of trust and intimacy that will last a lifetime.

How long is premarital counseling?

Premarital counseling is designed to help couples work through major differences before they get married. By resolving these issues ahead of time, couples can have a smoother and more successful marriage. Premarital counseling can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on the severity of their issues.

When to start premarital counseling?

Online Premarital counseling can help you and your partner work through issues before getting married.
A conversation about how to make sure that the relationship will last beyond weddings, engagements or babies is a good idea for anyone who might be thinking of moving in together—and it’s an important first step with any potential new love interest!

Does premarital counseling reduce divorce rates?

The benefits of online premarital counseling are many and varied, but one thing that’s been shown time after again? It reduces the likelihood for divorce by 50%. Braithwaite said some studies show this practice decreases your chance at an unhappy marriage with a 30% stronger bond.

What is premarital counseling?

Premarital counseling is a great way to get ahead of any potential issues that may arise down the road in your relationship and is a form of relationship counseling. By discussing and addressing any problems now, you can build a stronger foundation for your future together. Premarital counseling can help couples learn more about each other and develop better communication skills, making your relationship stronger than ever.