Start Your Marriage Off Right, With Houston Premarital Counseling
Eric & Elaine offer professionally certified Houston couples counseling. It’s time to take your relationship (and goals) to the next level! If you want to succeed at anything in life, you need a solid plan. Relationships are no different. We’ll help you thrive as a couple using proven techniques that have been refined over our last 25 years of marriage.
Are you considering Houston relationship counseling?
If so, you owe it to yourself and your significant other to connect with us at Eric & Elaine. We specialize in giving couples the tools they need to build strong partnerships. Let us help you develop skills to help you take control of your life and plan for a better, brighter tomorrow.
Relationships require commitment, trust, positive communication and the development of mutual goals to withstand the test of time. When any of these components are lacking, partnerships can break down and lead to heartache and strife. If your union has hit a rough patch or you are looking for ways to become closer as a couple, you owe it to yourself and your partner to explore dynamic Premarital Counseling courtesy of Eric & Elaine. Get relationship help before you need it and learn the tools for a healthy relationship.
Welcome to the rest of your happy, vibrant life together as a couple! We’re Eric & Elaine and we offer expert Houston premarital coaching services.
Question: How does a couple succeed in any major endeavor (like marriage)?
Answer: Through well-advised preparation and creating a solid plan!
We’re both certified faith-based counselors specializing in personal and professional relationships. Over the 25 years we’ve been married, (and raised six beautiful children), we’ve accumulated highly effective (and teachable) techniques for enjoyable Houston premarital coaching for black couples. Did you see us on TV’s “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition?” If so, we look forward to getting to know you even better!
Get Relationship Help With Houston Premarital Counseling
Eric & Elaine will help you with results-driven Houston premarital counseling to:
- Argue in the right way and create healthy discourse.
- Formulate crucially important financial goals and strategies.
- Have a strategy for difficult times where points of view may differ sharply.
- Think about what’s really involved in creating a healthy marriage over time.
We’ve been married for decades and have raised a large family and that’s taught us extremely valuable lessons we’re happy to pass on to you as certified counselors. Let’s make that road map!

Latest Videos
The Coronavirus is here and is wreaking havoc on relationships. Here is a series to help you make it through this pandemic.
Eric and Elaine’s take on addressing tough (seemingly) unrecoverable issues in marriage.
We Help You Thrive as a Couple
Our specialty is helping couples build strength and resilience in their relationship. That way they won’t need more serious (and sometimes ineffective) counseling when it’s too late. Here are some ways we help black couples (and all couples for that matter) succeed and prosper with love, harmony, and mutually agreed-upon goals:
1. Remove Obstacles
Let’s face it… everyone has blocks they have to deal with. Facing those blockages and reducing them over time is what separates winners from the rest of the crowd.
2. Be the Best You Can Be!
In order for couples to thrive in a dynamic way, each person must be proud of their own achievements, first.
3. Live (and Love) Your Dreams!
Every dream needs a well-defined plan (and accountability) in order to come to fruition. We’ll help you take control of assessing and completing the steps necessary to achieve your dreams as a couple.
Start Living Today!
Contact Eric & Elaine for Houston Premarital Counseling Services
The time to take charge of the rest of your life together is now!
We have convenient online appointments for Houston premarital counseling for black couples that help you steer confidently toward both of your goals.
We look forward to meeting you both. With our decades of professional counseling expertise, we’ll help you build a powerful and rewarding life together.